Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm a published writer!!!

Hey All,
So I've been busy drafting letters to the relevant people in Ottawa about the fiasco that was the Bali Conference. Well I guess it wasn't a complete fiasco; we did sign something -- a commitment to come together again and do more talking. So frustrating!! Was it worth all the carbon emissions it took to get those politicians to Bali? Well John Baird had a lovely vacay and was spotted wandering around in his flip flops enjoying the beaches of Bali while they are still there. I guess he is gettin' while the gettin's good.

I wrote a letter to my local newspaper that was published in yesterday's paper. Here's a copy:

To the Editor,

I am embarrassed by the Conservative government’s efforts to push through a watered down plan to stem climate change. Due to pressure from the US, Canada, and Japan, a compromise was finally reached whereby nations signed onto a roadmap that omits specific emission target reductions. Outlining specific emission target reductions was a central goal of the Bali conference, so the Conservative government has succeeded in stalling the process once more. Not only is our reputation being tarnished on an international stage, Canada’s stance on the global warming issue with regard to the developing world is discompassionate. Our wealth and lifestyle is partly due to exploiting the resources and cheap labour force of the developing world. As well, as one of the worlds leading greenhouse gas emitters, we are partly to blame for this problem. Turning our back on developing nations that are already feeling the effects of global warming is inhumane. It is obvious that this government is feeling the pressure from powerful lobbyists that represent the interests of this country’s corporate citizens, namely, the very wealthy energy sector. If we want the government to take into account the interests of ordinary citizens, we will have to pressure this government. It has been shown that writing personal letters is more effective than signing form letters or writing emails. Individual political actions can and do make a difference. If this is an issue you care about, do your civic duty and write the PM, the Minister of the Environment, and our local representative MP Ron Cannan. Urge the government to commit to the specific target reductions as set out by the IPCC. No postage is necessary if the title “MP” is in the address. The parliamentary address is: House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6.

Now Stephen Harper is down in the polls. To boost his popularity and make it out like he's a government that cares about the children, he announced "tougher" regulations on toys imported from China. That Stephen really likes the word "tough". But people eat this shit up. Whatever happened to critical thinking?

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