Monday, November 26, 2007

Why I hate Hollywood and why I love Kathy Griffin

So the other night, I was flipping through TV channels, landed on Glen Beck, and paused. I really don't like Glen Beck, and find his brand of "news casting" an insult to my intelligence. BUT I found myself agreeing with something he and a guest were talking about. This has happened once before, but I won't go into it as I may have to question my politics if it happens a third time. Anyways, so Glen was talking about the slew of new anti war films that Hollywood has been pumping out. His guest was saying how Hollywood often makes movies to impress itself so fellow actors can pat each other on the back, and talk about how "brilliant and genius" they are. I'm totally paraphrasing here, but you get the idea. We differ on our feelings about the Iraq war (Bush and Cheney are war criminals), but agree on Hollywood. There is nothing I hate more than a movie that tries to manipulate my emotions by being overly preachy, using sappy brainless storylines and dialogue, and emotional music. Take Crash for example. The characters were stock and stereotypical, the storylines were dramatically contrived to manipulate how we were supposed to feel about the characters, and the overall message was simplified and reductionist. There was no room to think; Paul Haggis told you what you were supposed to be thinking. However, mostly white Hollywood patted itself on the back for being so groundbreaking and thought-provoking. The actors were paraded onto talk shows to discuss their views on racism, and provide political and social commentary. Puke!

I am not saying that there is no place for Hollywood to make a social commentary. On the contrary, there have been many movies that have challenged our way of thinking about the world, and world politics and culture. What I can't stand is these actors that run around taking themselves all seriously, and feeling that they contribute more to the world than say, Lech Walesa -- who you ask? exactly. Just watch an episode of Inside the Actors Studio or Oprah. Or for that matter, watch the documentary "Searching for Debra Winger". Just note how many times the words brilliant, and genius get thrown around. Really? Brilliant and genious? Is that what they are? No wonder these people take themselves so seriously.

This is why I love Kathy. She breaks the cardinal rule of showbiz, and knocks these actors down a few notches. Many call her mean spirited, and she has been taken off the list as a guest on many shows because of this. She was banned from Ellen, but thankfully, Ellen changed her mind on that one. I don't think she is mean spirited; I see her more saying "get over yourselves people". Think of her speech at the Emmy's. Most actors "thank god" and talk about how "blessed" they are. Kathy turned Hollywood on its heels, and said "god had nothing to do with this award". When she said "suck it Jesus" she was really saying "suck it Hollywood". Love her!!! -Tina


Anonymous said...

Tina, you say you like kathy and Rosie, because of what they represent, more or less, and hate hollywood. Why then do you like crap shows like the hill? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure in Inside The Actors Studio, they use the word "brilliant" for how an actor has protrayed his character, or something of the sort. It is for actors to inspire student actors, and I'm sure in their field of work, it actually was "brilliant" to them. What may be brilliant to one may not be brilliant to another.

Anonymous said...

Hey yo biches and homoes! Normally I wouln't post to your sory-ass commy pinko free love agorafobic hydrofobic left-wing media biased anti-capitalist hate mongering webrag, but I thogt I shoud RAVE 'bout THIS!

POst it! I spelld "homoes" with an "E" for a reason! In honour of my MAN - J. Danforth Quayle! 2nd greatest vice president ever (2nd to Aaron Burr, VP for Thomas Jefferson), and Vice President to the father of our grate nation's BEST president ever! So what if he knocked down the WTC! They SUCKED! WOOT!

In conclusion, woot.

Anonymous said...

hey who took my wine?

Anonymous said...

you should fav.

y u so concerned w/ us politiks?

u commies!