Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A comment deserving its own post on the blog

This comment made me pee my pants

Anonymous said...
Hey yo biches and homoes! Normally I wouln't post to your sory-ass commy pinko free love agorafobic hydrofobic left-wing media biased anti-capitalist hate mongering webrag, but I thogt I shoud RAVE 'bout THIS! it! I spelld "homoes" with an "E" for a reason! In honour of my MAN - J. Danforth Quayle! 2nd greatest vice president ever (2nd to Aaron Burr, VP for Thomas Jefferson), and Vice President to the father of our grate nation's BEST president ever! So what if he knocked down the WTC! They SUCKED! WOOT!In conclusion, woot.

-----In response - VOTE FOR THE KOOCH AMERICANS. Peace.

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