Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hey Paula?

Sheesh Paula, where were you last night? Does she have a brain injury? I hope this episode makes it on her reality show. She will totally have a melt down about this one.

Oh god, I was watching Family Guy the other night. I can't believe Connor does not like this show. It's one of the funniest shows on t.v. That and 30 Rock; which I've just discovered and am so happy with this gem of a show. But anyways Stewy was razing Brian about something and he said "You got a complaint, go write about it on the Internet". In writing it's not as funny as in the show, but so funny cause it's true.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm Insane...

I watched that vid and it has no importance. It is totally irrelevant. Hillary is so far behind; it's a waste of resources to politically attack her.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Is that a ghost behind Connor???
Our major hike. We walked down to Rec beach and were really upset to find no naked people. We walked all the way down this super steep hike and I was so sick. I had to have a long 15 hour sleep after this hike.


Connor and Robbie. Thanks for the place to stay Rob.

The water taxi over to Granville Island.

Granville on a busy weekend

Connor thought this was a nice street.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Story of Stuff

Rosie posted a link to an amazing short video called the Story of Stuff. 20 minutes and it changes the way you think about stuff, consumerism, and happiness. We've become more connected to our stuff than we are to eachother and it's making us sad. : go watch it.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

same same same

Recently, I was listening to CBC and they said a recent poll found that the environment and climate change were top concerns for Canadians. However, I just read this little article on the Green Party website

Is this right? Mr. Harper just eliminated the position of the scientific advisor? Among the other positions he has eliminated are the Ambassador to the Environment, the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, and the Ethics Commissioner. So basically, when the Harper government recieves information that is counter to his ideological agenda he eliminates the position? Now, the firing of the president of the Canadian Nuclear Comission made the news. The other ones, I didn't hear about. I watch the news, and I listen to the radio -- not all the time, but enough that I am pretty aware of the goings on in the world -- I didn't hear about this elimination of the scientific advisor position until I read the Green Party website. This information is very revealing. The Conservatives are a minority government and they are able to make these changes virtually unchallenged. This government has contempt for science and reason because it does not fit with their ideological agenda. I say this of the entire government. The Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and even Greens are all to blame. No one is really challenging the neo-liberal agenda. In order to ensure information that contradicts or challenges the economic agenda of the conservatives does not leak out of the PM's office, they eliminate anyone who would provide the government with this information. Scientists, people representing the environment, safety advisors, and ethics advisors. Is this democracy and freedom? Or a government run on ideology and faith?

The neo-liberal rhetoric says shrink government, deregulate business, the market will solve problems. In this system of small government and deregulated business, they say, consumers/citizens will have more freedom. In order to persue this agenda, the government not only ignores, but subverts evidence to the contrary. I watched this movie the other night called Percepolis. A french animated film about a girl's coming of age story growing up in revolutionary and post revolutionary Iran. In the movie, when the Shah of Iran was ousted, the people voted 99.9% to elect an Islamic government. The girl's Marxist uncle explains the popularity of this government by saying "most people in Iran are illiterate, the only thing that unites them is ideology and nationalism". We may not be illiterate here in Canada. But our brains are sure being dumbed down by the ideological politics and e-television and news.